I'm eating carrots. Ugh. I mean, they're not TERRIBLE....they're just not all that great, either! I don't particularly care for them raw....but, cooked? Ugh. Even worse!
I finally went to the store last night and stocked up on lots of healthy foods. I bought some baby carrots because I know I need to eat more fruits and veggies. Blah. I need more variety, so I sit here and dunk them in ranch dressing, and kinda wriggle up my nose and eat them. :::crunch....crunch::: Maybe if I eat them enough, I'll learn to like them? Probably not. ;)
So I didn't get to work out yesterday. I sooo meant to get up early and do it yesterday, but the snooze button won that battle. We went to a friend's house for dinner, and didn't get home until late, so, it just didn't work out. You'll have that. Tonight, it's on! I WILL be finishing Week 1 of C25K! :)
Oh - and I have a Saturday exercise date! My friend Anissa and I are going for a run! :)
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