About Me

Well hello there, and thanks for stopping by to read my blog!  My name is Jo, and I'm a 32-year-old fat girl with a skinny girl trapped inside.  In August 2010, I decided that it was time to let her escape, once and for all.  It's about time....she is dying to dress fashionably!  ;)

In all seriousness, I'm doing this for my health.  I'm doing this for ME. I don't know exactly where this journey will lead me.  I have a goal weight in mind, but I don't know if it's the right weight for me.  Time will tell, and I think I will know when I have reached the best weight for my body.  It may not be by definition "skinny," but, I will be healthy. 

Basic loves:  Jesus, hubby, family, friends, church, crafts, creativity, music, fitness, fashion, reading............ more coming soon. :)

Other places you can find me: 
Facebook:  www.facebook.com/skinnygirlsetfree
Twitter:  Follow me!  @skinnygirlfreed
My Fitness Pal:  User name:  skinnygirlfreed

I'd love to hear from you! 