Friday, August 20, 2010

The Zumba Verdict and more...

So, my friend, Amanda invited me to Zumba last night.  First off, Amanda is SO sweet.  She's one of those gals who ALWAYS makes you feel good about yourself!  I mean, she compliments me on the days that I'm like, "I sooooo don't deserve that!"  Haha.  So, Amanda is telling me that I'm going to LOOOOOVE Zumba.  Her friend told me the same thing.  What they're about to find out is......that I CAN'T DANCE.  HA!  See, I know Zumba is still pretty huge...and that LOTS of people LOVE it.....but, yeah....I knew it was gonna be awkward for me.

And it was.  Haha.  We secured our places in the back and we got started shortly after.  I quickly found myself VERY self-conscious.  That's just how I am.  I "like" to dance, but, I just don't like to dance in front of people.....and the moves were not super-simple to catch least for me.  So, yeah - again, couple that with the fact that I just feel like I look like a huge dork, and yeah...not FUN.  I mean, it wasn't HORRIBLE.  I just laughed at myself - which is the best approach, I believe.  I "tried."  Ha!  I HATED when we did moves that turned the class around and I ended up in front!  Sneaky little thing they do to the back dwellers...haha. 

So....I'm sure that after attending another class it would become easier....BUT, it's still just one of those things I don't know about.  I just didn't take to it like I did Turbo Kick.  Turbo Kick made me feel MUCH stronger...there was a little bit of dancing in it, but not enough that it made feel uncomfortable.  I think I got a much better workout with Turbo Kick.  I will probably go try Zumba again, but I doubt it's going to be a regular in my regimen.

After Zumba I decided I hadn't had enough.  I decided to go do a C25K run on the treadmill.  I normally HATE the treadmill, but, it was a change of scenery, so I actually enjoyed it.  So I got in a GREAT workout yesterday.  :)

I have a recipe for you!  :)  I mean, it's not SUPER low, but it was great for me last night!  It was a pretty good serving size and it was VERY filling.   I don't have a flashy name for it, but that's ok!  It's a dish that my mom used to make ALLLL the time when I still lived at home.  I got SOOOO burned out on it.  There came a time I probably said I would never eat it again.  Flash forward to me living on my own and having a couple of hungry people to feed.  FAST.  What did I reach for???

Spanish Rice w/Roast Beef
Servings:  4
Serving Size:  About 2 cups
WW Points Value:  9
* You could knock this down as low as 6 points if you split into 6 servings.  Maybe serve with a couple veggie sides?
** I will try to remember to post regular calories/fat/fiber content later, SORRY!

1 box Rice-A-Roni (Spanish Rice style)
2 T butter or margarine (I used "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter")
1 can roast beef (drained & shredded)
1 can black beans (drained)
1 can Rotel (diced tomatoes w/green chilies)

Prepare rice according to package.  When it's time to add the tomatoes (I use less than the box directs), add all other ingredients and simmer 15 minutes.  Enjoy! 

Last night was the first time I used black beans in this dish.  After the first bite, my hubby and I agreed that it probably won't be made without them again!  They added a TON of fiber...which made us full faster.  Good stuff! :)  Even if you're not watching your weight, this is a great dish!  It's not "diet."  :)

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